Yoga classes


Yoga in Moorea paradise.

Throughout the year, I offer Yoga classes on Moorea island (French Polynesia).

Collectives classes where we alternate Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga sessions, as well as private classes adapted to your needs.

Yoga classes
Yoga Classes

Collective classes

Yoga lessons are accessible to everyone, whatever your level !

The style of yoga can change from one session to another, but I often mix Hatha Yoga with a touch of Vinyasa for more body movement.

At the end of the week and depending on your energy, sometimes I teach Yin Yoga. This is a very gentle, deep stretch that we do for long breaths. This leads to total letting go and relaxation for body and mind.

Vinyasa Yoga ? What is it ?

In Vinyasa Yoga, the sequence of postures is fluid and rhythmic, like a dance.

This practice is therefore more active and has a more sustained rhythm than Hatha Yoga.

It is ideal for toning and building deep muscles while lengthening the muscles. Prepare to sweat a little !

Yoga styles

Postures and organization of classes

What is "Hatha Yoga" ?

Hatha Yoga is a gentle style of yoga, which mobilizes the entire body and combines 3 types of exercises :

  • breathing exercises, called pranayama,
  • postural exercises, asanas,
  • and a final relaxation.

A Hatha Yoga session will lead you to pay attention to yourself, your tensions or even your limits, without judging them.

This type of yoga will allow you to develop your flexibility, reduce your chronic pain, but also to calm your mind and improve your concentration.

How is a course structured ?

We always start the class with an anchoring moment, a calm time where we begin to get in condition, in order to remain focused on the rest of the practice.

Then, we practice a breathing exercise (Pranayama) which varies with each session, followed by a small upper body warm-up.

Comes the sequences of postures that we hold for more or less time.

Finally, we finish with some deep stretching and a time of relaxation, meditation.

Enjoy your collective yoga class during 1h30.

The material is provided on request (mats, blocks, straps, etc.), but if you already have yours, you can come with it ! Don’t hesitate to bring a bottle of water, a small towel, a small blanket (for the end of the session) or any other material that allows you to feel good and comfortable in the postures.

Schedule of the week

Schedule of collective yoga class

Schedule of collective yoga class

Schedule of collective yoga class for the week is available ! Monday : 12H30 – 13H30 at “Le Studio de Moorea”…

Yoga classes

Inspiring places

Inside or outside on Moorea island.

Linareva Hôtel

Moorea's Studio

Tiahura Beach

Yoga Classes
Yoga classes

Private yoga classes

Enjoy dedicated yoga classes, adapted to your needs and desires.

Are you passing through Moorea, on vacation, on a weekend or on your honeymoon and would like to treat yourself to this moment of relaxation ?

Do you live in Moorea and prefer to practice yoga from home, for more comfort, better organization or simply to have personalized support ?

Private lessons are made for you !

We can practice outside, in a public place, on the beach..

Quality yoga mats and equipment available.

A private yoga class during 1h15.

Cours de yoga privés à Moorea


Discover our prices for yoga classes: individually, in multipass cards of several sessions or as a monthly subscription.

It’s up to you to choose the best option, according to your needs !